Monday, April 18, 2011

Role As Trailblazers

Revealing his high expectations and hopes for the student division members, Shin’ichi had written: "The direction for all young people in the Soka Gakkai is clearly expressed in Josei Toda’s ‘Precepts for Youth’ and ‘Youth, Be Patriotic.’ But among all our young people, it is the student division members in particular who must possess a sense of responsibility and awareness of their role as trailblazers.” Right at the outset, Shin’ichi declared that it was their mission to lead the way in the kosen-rufu movement. From that time on, trailblazing became a byword and a proud tradition of the student division.
– The New Human Revolution, Volume 6

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Meet the Clubs: BWP @ CSUN

Meet the Clubs:
BWP - Buddhists for World Peace Club
at California State University at Northridge
February 8 & 9 2011
For two full days, our club shone under the sun and introduced many people to Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. We were able to conduct dialogues and shakabuku.
By the end of the two days, we had many new student interested in joining the club.
Thanks to all of the members that supported this activity!
Take a peak at our red, yellow and blue spirit. It was a success!
Check out what the club is doing now on our Facebook page!